NO club like ours can exist for long without the voluntary involvement of its members. In our sport, volunteers are so important because we depend on them to assist with several essential functions at the rides.
If you have the time, or are able to rope in friends, relatives, and anyone else, please do. Below is a list of all the jobs that need doing, with descriptions of what each entail. Don’t be intimidated –we will train you!
Vet Recorders (half day or full day possible)
The vet recorders enter on to the score sheet the findings of the vets. The vet recorder is also required to ensure that all appropriate fields on the score sheet are properly filled out.
Official Timer (half day or full day possible)
Each sanctioned ride will provide timers who will record the time of each horse and rider team during competition. The timer also ensures that riders are told their hold times (in the Open Division) and that all riders are informed when to return for their final vet check. The records kept by the timers are then presented to the day manager or ride manager at the conclusion of the ride.
Day Manager (full day)
The day manager will be the onsite manager, responsible for all of the on-the-fly decisions of the day. The ride manager will set the ride up, and the day manager will carry out the ride as designed by the ride manager. They will also assist with tabulating score sheets.
Ride Managers (Pre/post ride duties and duties on the day of)
The ride manager is the ride engineer. They are responsible for set up and logistics. The ride manager or an appropriate designated person holds a ride briefing prior to the start of the ride to: describe the course to riders, relate trail markings, source available water or landmarks, etc. They are also responsible for tearing down the ride site and ensuring that the area is cleaned up at the end of the event.
Trail Marker (pre-ride duty)
The trail marker(s) mark the trails for a competitive ride with flags and signs. This involves measuring the 10- and 15-mile loops as close as possible to the required distance. They are also required to put up markers at the 2 and at the 1/2 mile distances that are near the end of each loop. The trails and marking scheme are coordinated with the ride manager for the purpose of informing riders.
Demarking (post-ride duty done the day of or the next day)
The person/people who demark will remove all flags or anything that was used to mark the trail during a ride at the end of a competitive ride. They’ll also return marking materials to the ride manager, in the same shape that they were received. Any trails marked or demarked on horseback are recorded in a member’s Lifetime Mileage ledger.