February 2023

Manitoba Trail Riding Club 

Meeting Minutes

Date:  February 15, 2023

Location: Zoom

Meeting called to order at 6:33 p.m.

Attendance:   Kari Hasselriis, Terry McKee, Brenda Tolpa, , Iris Oleksuk, Linda Gillies, Angela Roberts, Carla Melquist, Ginette Paille

Absent: Mary Anne Kirk

Approval of previous Minutes: Moved by Angela, Seconded by Carla, carried

Additions to agenda:  Council of Clubs Report from Iris

Treasurer’s Report:  Not available

Mini Clinic UpdateTo date no one has taken on the leadership role for the Mini Clinic.  After much discussion re the mini clinic and 5k night ride tentatively planned for June 3 it was decided that a simpler option would be to hold a mini “mock” ride.  New riders interested in trying out competitive trail riding could be paired with mentors who would ride with them and explain the procedures and rules as they completed a short “mock” ride.  Someone could pretend to be the vet so that the new riders could see what is involved with the vet at various stages of the ride, etc.  Further planning will take place at the next meeting.Terry will check with DRM to see what the date of their Mini clinic is so that we don’t have a conflict with dates.Brenda will check if we can use the Polo Club area                        Terry     Brenda
Coggins 2023It seems that Western Clubs do not require a Coggins test and most English Clubs do.  Iris contacted various clubs for input.  The only club that got back to her was the Driving Club and they do not require a Coggins.Carla and Ginette asked if the Club would reconsider the Coggins requirement for competing.  Carla has 5 friends who would like to ride in MTRC rides but do not want to have a Coggins test done on their horses.Riders who also compete with DRM or go to the US have to have a Coggins test so a Coggins test is not an issue for them.  Some local riders who stay in the area and would like to compete feel a Coggins is not necessary.  After discussion it was decided that Kari will send an email to 2022 MTRC members to get their input on whether or not MTRC should require Coggins testing for 2023.Terry, Linda and Kari will contact vets to get their input on Coggins requirements.At the March meeting the input from membership and vets will be shared and discussed and a decision will be made for a 2023 Coggins requirement.                              Kari       Terry, Linda, Kari
MTRC PamphletCarla and Kari shared the work they did on updating and streamlining the MTRC Pamphlet.  Kari will get 100 copies printed at “Print It ON” printers.  Club members can distribute these pamphlets to help promote the club. Carla will print extra if the club runs out and need more.Kari         Carla
Council of ClubsIris shared information from the Zoom Council of Clubs meeting she attended.  She mentioned the possibility that these meeting might become monthly rather than twice a year.  MHC is talking about printing a 12 month calendar with all club events and activities posted.  For $100 a club can be featured for a specific month with a photo, club logo and brief description.  There was also discussion about provincial officials, Heritage Classic Series, sponsoring a daily education booth at the Manitoba Royal Winter Fair (individual clubs could share info at this booth) and the difficulty many clubs are having getting volunteers.  MTRC has been very fortunate as we have great volunteers for out events.  MHC also discussed having monthly 50/50 raffles.  Clubs would get a percentage based on their ticket sales. 
Next MeetingCarla will contact Peppercorn Restaurant in Oakbank with 2 possible dates for the next meeting to be held at 7 p.m.: a) Thursday, March16 or        b) Tuesday March 14.  Once a reservation has been made she will let Kari know so that information can be shared with membership.  Carla Kari

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 p.m.