October 2021

Manitoba Trail Riding Club

Meeting Minutes

Date:  October 21, 2021

Location: Zoom

Meeting called to order at 6:38 p.m.

Attendance:     Kari Hasselriis, Terry McKee, Brenda Tolpa, Mary Anne Kirk, Iris Oleksuk, Linda Gillies, Angela Roberts                                    

Approval of previous Minutes: Moved by Linda, seconded by Brenda

Additions to agenda:  Ride Dates for 2022

Treasurer’s Report:                                                                                                                             GIC’s – $2,208.75, Chequing – $1,830.83

Membership:  21 single, 4 family for a total of 29

Receipt submissions:  Receipts for year-end awards will be submitted to Mary Anne at the AGM

1.BHP Ride FeedbackBHP Feedback – The ride was well received and the location was perfect.  MTRC especially would like to thank Glenn for his generous support and his time vetting our ride.  It is possible that the Folk Festival location may be available for 2022 rides, excluding June and July.   Trotting Circle – There is a need to clarify why we introduced the trotting circle this year and where to score it on the ride card.  Having horses trot a circle at the end of a ride helps determine soundness.  Kari will check the rule book for information regarding the use of a trotting circle or serpentine.  Some ride camp locations have limited space for a trotting circle.  A decision will be made at the AGM whether or not to include the trotting circle in 2022.   Stipends – When Kari posts requests for volunteers she will share information regarding the $150 Ride Manager stipend that RM’s can share with their Day Manager.                 Kari                 Kari
2. AwardsYear-end awards will be presented at the AGM. In the new year, Kari will post a request on FaceBook for year-end award suggestions.  Kari
3. 2021 AGMKari will follow the format/agenda of last year’s AGM. Year-end award winners will be announced and mileage pins/badges presented.  Kari will contact Stewart Trophies who have done the mileage awards in the past, to get the mileage awards ready for the AGM. The Trotting Circle will be added to the AGM agenda. Ride Sponsorship will be added to the AGM agenda. Elections for the board will be done at the AGM.  Five people need to be elected to the board.  Then a president and vice president are elected from the five elected individuals.  The three individuals left are appointed to positions by the president.  Mary Anne and Brenda’s terms are up this year.  Brenda will let her name stand for the board.  Kari is ready to do a second year as president.  Kari will contact Carla to see what her plans are for next year.   Kari                         Kari
4. FundraisersWe have several options: Bud, Spud and Bird – This has always been a very successful fundraiser but it is labour intensive.  The curling rink is available to rent and Iris reported that the food would be approximately the same price.  Attendees would have to be fully vaxxed so perhaps we need to wait until times are more normal to have a Bud, Spud and Bird.   Grey Cup Tickets – It was decided that the club will sell Grey Cup tickets as a fund raiser.  Iris researched the Grey Cup tickets and can get 900 tickets printed for $135.  Each ticket costs $2. If we sell all of the tickets we can raise $1,200 for the club.  The tickets will be distributed to club members at the AGM.   Raffle Tickets – There was discussion about repeating the raffle that Kari organized last year.  Further discussion will be tabled until the January meeting.   Safety Clinics – Kari has expertise in the area of trailer safety, barn fire prevention/safety and mud and water rescue for horses and would consider running a clinic to share this information if there was enough interest.  Kari offered to donate the admission fee to the club. Further discussion tabled till the new year.                Iris
5. Mileage Tracking for 2022Kelli will no longer track mileage for MTRC. The club would like to thank Kelli for the many years she took on this responsibility.  Kari volunteered to take on this responsibility for MTRC in 2022.Kari
6.  New VolunteersKari would like to see the club increase the number of volunteers so that we don’t overtax our existing volunteers.  Posters could be made to help find new volunteers.  Kari will talk to Mary to see if she knows of any graphic designers who could make posters for us. Technical Writer Volunteer – The club also could use a technical writer to help create templates for club documents.Kari
7. Ride Manager’s ManualThere is a need to update and combine the Ride Manager’s Manual.  At the present time we have 3 different Ride Manuals with inconsistent information.  We need one Ride Manager’s Manual.  Kari will consult Angela and Iris for help on this project.Kari, Iris Angela
8. By-Law AdditionIt’s too late this year, but next year it was suggested that we make a motion to introduce a new by-law requiring the club to review all documents to make sure that they’re fresh.  Manuals need to be reviewed and updated annually. 
9. FeesAfter discussion, it was decided to leave the day fee and membership fees the same for 2022. 
10. Ride SponsorshipRide sponsorship was discussed.  The club could make a pamphlet for sponsors letting them know all about the club.  Sponsors could sponsor an individual ride.  Money from the sponsorship would be used for prizes at the ride. In return, the club would post advertising at the ride and credit the sponsor for donating prizes at the ride on our website.  This item will be added to the AGM agenda. 
11. Mentored Mini Ride for 2022There was a discussion about holding a mentored mini ride in early May.  This could be called a clinic and would give new riders a chance to experience a mini version of a Competitive Trail Ride with a mentor.  There could be a pre-ride vet check, ride a 5-mile loop following the ribbons, come in to ride camp, take off tack, have a vet check, tack up and do another short loop.  New riders would go through the steps of a regular ride and also become familiar with ride cards, etc.  This item is tabled for further discussion at the January 22 meeting.  Iris volunteered to help with this. 
12. New Ride LocationKari rode with Tauni and Rusty Jensen near their home and thought this could be a possible new ride location.  More information needs to be gathered to determine if it’s feasible.  Discussion tabled for a future meeting. 
13.  2022 Ride DatesPossible 2022 ride dates were discussed.  Next year DRM is having a ride at Belaire on August 13 & 14 and Souris on September 3.   The following tentative dates were proposed for MTRC:     May 28 – Belair, Kari RM    June 11 or 18 – Gross Isle, Linda RM    August 27 – Birds Hill    September 17 – Sandilands, Linda and Iris, RM 

Motion to adjourn:  Moved by Iris, seconded by Angela

Meeting adjourned: Time: 8:32 p.m.