March 2021

Manitoba Trail Riding Club

Meeting Minutes

Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Location:  Zoom

Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Attendance:     Kari Hasselriis, Carla Melquist, Iris Oleksuk, Angela Roberts, Terry McKee, Mary Anne Kirk,                                     Brenda Tolpa, Tauni Jensen, Darice Whyte

Additions to agenda: None

Meeting minutes adopted as posted.  Moved by Brenda , seconded by Angela, carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  GIC – $2,199.95; Chequing – $2,729.18

Membership: 17 single, 2 family = 21 total

Bills:    Insurance has been paid.  No more big bills for now.  Mary Ann contacted Linda Hazelwood for information regarding applying for a new MHC emergency fund of up to $350 and will make an application for these funds.

UpdatesZoom Volunteer Orientation: A Zoom Orientation meeting was held last week.  Twelve to 13 people attended including a couple of new people.  One of the new people is a nurse from Selkirk who volunteered to be our Covid Rep for the Belair.   Ribbons:  Kari placed the order for this year’s ribbons.  Cost is $4.25 per ribbon.   Receipts: Kari gave Mary Ann receipts for a copy of the articles of incorporation ($7), a donation to thanks the Folk Festival for use of their grounds ($75) and for raffle tickets ($145).   MHC Membership Portal:  Brenda has kindly volunteered to go into the MHC membership portal to check for MHC membership when doing ride registrations.  If riders are not members, Brenda will remind the rider that they should get their membership.  Iris spoke with Linda Hazelwood.  Based on that conversation it seems like MHC membership is a “should” and not a “must”.  An email from MHC did not help clarify the need for a membership.   MEC: Still no decision on when the “MEC” ride will be held.   
Fundraiser UpdateRaffle tickets are in books of 10.  Kari will invite all members to sell tickets if they can.  Tickets can be sold in person or you can also take a picture of the ticket and send the photo online to the purchaser and payment can be e-transfered to the seller.  Sellers can, either collect the money for the tickets and give it to Mary Ann or e-transer the funds to   There were a few hiccups along the way to getting a raffle ticket license but Mary Ann helped with documentation and Kari worked hard to develop the best possible wording to meet the criteria for a license. Funds from the raffle will be used to help support junior riders, possibly going towards junior rider prizes and offsetting the fees for a sponsoring rider.    Kari requested someone volunteer to make up a Vet Gift Certificate for the First Prize.  Brenda and Kari will look into ideas for this.                                Brenda, Kari
Vet UpdateSusan sent an update regarding vets for upcoming rides: Belair – Glenn Sincliar Birds Hill, June and September – Brittney Derksen Gross Isle – Neil Versavel Spruce Woods – Kristen Wilson   Spruce Woods will be one day only.  Kari will let Susan know.   All of the assigned vets have vetted MTRC rides before.  The Ride Manager or a Board Member will share the club’s expectations re scoring e.g. manners, behavior, etc. and also the need to set up a trot circle at the end of the ride.  The size of the trot circle is in the rule book.              Kari   Ride Managers
CogginsRiders competing in a MTRC ride will require a negative Coggins for the calendar year of 2021. Volunteer demarkers do not have to have a Coggins test as long as they stay away from the ride camp during a competition or wait until after the competition to demark. 
BelairRide distances will remain as in the past: 10, 15, 25 miles.  If DRM is not able to hold a ride before Belair we will not have a 40.  Will confirm in April.   Kari would like to demark this ride and asked if someone would be willing to help.  Carla and Lisa might be available to help.   The online e-application for Belair has been challenging due to some of the technical map requirements.  Carrie W. helped Kari complete the application but we are awaiting approval. Darice will send Kari a GPS map she used for a Belair ride application previously. A benefit of the e-license is that you only have to apply once.   Kari will follow up during the first week of April if there is no word from Belair re approval. Kari will check to see if Belair requires a copy of our our insurance policy as they had in the past.  There is no request for this information on the new application.   A full volunteer team is set for the Belair ride and Kari has notified the ATV club about this ride date.          Carla       Darice         Kari   Kari
Concerns and Questions re Ride CampCovid restrictions have made it challenging in some settings, to set up ride camp so that everyone is reasonably close to the vetting area.  Ride Managers will need to plan the camp ‘set up’ so that all riders have equal access to the vet.  By May we may be able to have a regular crewing area but this will depend on restrictions.Ride Managers
Junior SponsorsWe have time to decide how best to use funds raised from the raffle for our junior riders.  After discussion, it was decided that Kari will draft a paper with ideas for further discussion at our next meeting.Kari
Facebook PageCarrie W. has given Brenda admin status for the event page.  This page is open. Admin for the MTRC private Face Book page are: Brenda, Kari, Kelli and Wendy After discussion it was decided that the MTRC page will share MTRC information celebrating riders and their horses and CTR.  This site will not include business advertizing, therapies, etc.  It will allow MHC information. The MTRC page is private so that it shares information with people interested CTR. 

Next meeting:  Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 6:30 on Zoom

Meeting adjourned: Time 7:50 p.m.