January 2022

Manitoba Trail Riding Club                       Meeting Minutes                                                                                                       Date:  January 13, 2022                                                                                     Location: Zoom

Meeting called to order at 6:36 p.m.

Attendance:     Kari Hasselriis, Terry McKee, Brenda Tolpa, Iris Oleksuk,                                       Linda Gillies, Angela Roberts, Linda Cruden

            Mary Anne sent regrets and forwarded the Treasurer’s Report                                           

Approval of previous Minutes: Moved by Kari, seconded by Linda C.

Additions to agenda:  None

Treasurer’s Report:                                                                                                                             GIC’s – $2,208.75, Chequing – $3,220.83

            Membership:  9 single, 3 family for a total of 15

            Chequing totals include:                                                                                                                                 $1,182.80 for Grey Cup,                                                                                          $350.00 MHC July – December,                                                                                    $150.00 MHC Rebate

Doesn’t include: $225.00  MHC Membership                                                 $409.50  Capri Insurance       Total $634.50 to MAK Zoho    $319.80 sent $7.28 o/s  to DRM     Total $327.08 (Zoho for 2 years)

Kari will, in discussion with Mary Anne look into the process for streamlining cheques and e-transfer procedures on behalf of the club at some time in the future.

1.Grey Cup FundraiserIris reported that 900 tickets were printed and 887 tickets were sold for a total of $1774.  After expenses, the profit was $1,182.80.  Iris suggested that if the club wants to sell Grey Cup tickets in 2022, it would be better to get started earlier so that tickets could be handed out earlier and at the AGM.  There was discussion regarding encouraging more members to get involved in selling tickets in the future.Iris
2. 2022 FundraiserMembers are to think of possible fundraising activities for 2022 as this item will be on the February agenda. Possible ideas include: Another Grey Cup ticket fundraiser.  A final decision regarding this should be made by the beginning of our ride season so that tickets could be ready to get people by September or October.Marketing clothing with the MTRC logo On-line 50/50 Draw.  Working Equitation ran this as a successful fundraiser last year.   Linda C. will contact Judy Hooper who ran this fundraiser to get more information regarding how to run this kind of a fundraiser online.  Brenda suggested it might be added to the Zoho form    Kari             Linda C.
3. Membership DriveKari will begin posting reminders about renewing MTRC memberships and inviting people to join MTRC on FaceBook near the end of January, early February. Kari will email people on the 2020 membership list who haven’t renewed membership or ridden since then, encouraging them to sign up for a ride this year. It was suggested that MTRC promote the benefits of participating in MTRC rides.  MTRC rides provide a “cheap vet check” in terms of assessing a horse’s working fitness, soundness and general health.  Riders get a minimum of 2 vet checks before and after their horses have been out for a good ride on well-marked trails.  Kari
4. Zoho FormsBrenda has created the forms for this year.  Brenda will send screenshots to members for feedback.Brenda  
5. Ride ScheduleThe September 17 ride will be held at Sandilands 
6.  Vet UpdateSusan H. is organizing vets for the 2022 ride season.   Glenn will vet at Belair,   Neil Versavel will vet at Grosse Isle,   Jenna (Central) waiting for confirmation as vet at BHP Kristen Wilson will vet at SandilandsSusan
7. Coggins ClinicMHC is onboard and would like to partner with MTRC to run a Coggins Clinic at Birds Hill Park. They are interested in helping with clinics at other locations as well.   MHC will cover the cost for the use of their facility as well as help with promotion, signage, etc.  They also suggested that Central and Elders Vet Clinics (MHC sponsors) may be interested in helping with these clinics.  MHC suggested running the clinic the first week of May as the water is not running and the roads may not be cleared at their facility much before then.  This may be too late for DRM as they have a ride on May 15.  Further discussion and planning for the clinic will continue. Tammy Storie volunteered to help with this clinic so Kari is going to ask her to contact MHC and the vets to ask the following questions: -What would be the fee per Coggins test? -What would the turn-around time be for test results? -Do the vets need a stall to do the tests? -If the MHC barn can’t be ready in time for the date MTRC needs, would there be another area near the barns that would work for a clinic? There is also interest for a clinic to be held in the area near Iris, Linda G and Angela and also possibly out by High Point Stables. Iris suggested that we invite Diane David (MHC) to our next meeting.                    Kari Tammy Storie                   Kari    
8. Rules CommitteeThere is a need to clarify and/or define the term “disqualified” and the “off-trail” rule. Kari will invite Elizabeth Bima, and Taunie Jensen to a one-hour Zoom meeting to work on these terms. Kari will invite Sheila Deacon, who is a new member to take 15 or 20 minutes to go over the MTRC website for feedback.  There may be areas where new members might need clarification or adjustments.Kari
9. Next MeetingThe next MTRC meeting will be Thursday, February 24 at 6:30 

Motion to adjourn:  Moved by Linda, Seconded by Terry

Meeting adjourned: Time: 7:44 p.m.