Manitoba Trail Riding Club
February 20, 2025
6:30 – 7:30
Online using Zoom
Present: Brenda Tolpa, Iris Oleksuk, Angela Roberts, Linda Gillies, Terry McKee, Natascha Klan,
Kari Hasselriis
Regrets: Ashley Fudge, Mary Anne Kirk
Absent: Erin Tyminski-Goch
- Call to Order: 6:30 pm Chair: Kari Hasselriis
- Previous Minutes: October 2024 minutes were approved by Angela and Natascha.
- Additions to the agenda: Linda asked to add ribbons to the agenda.
- Treasurer’s Report and Membership Update
4.1 Financial Update
• GIC $2,277. 66
• Chequing $2,433.03
• Bills: $181.13 (Zoho), $22.04 (domain name), $225.00 (MHC club membership), $411.95 (club
insurance. These bills are paid and included in the chequing balance.
4.2 Membership Update
2 family, 9 single for a total of 13. - Lunch ‘n’ Learn Event – March 22 at The Peppercorn in Oakbank
• MTRC has numerous resources it can provide event participants, including volunteer role
descriptions, example score cards, a “what to do at your first ride” document, a PDF that
provides an overview of various ride sites, the 2025 pamphlet and a CTR summary sheet.
• We all agreed the idea of DRM and MTRC presenting together in a way that compares the two
disciplines would benefit both clubs.
• Although the timing is not confirmed, MTRC would like it to be about 90 minutes in total to keep
people engaged.
• Natascha has contacted several businesses to ask for door prize donation.
• We will split the cost for the lunch of our vet and timing presenters, Carol and Dr. Glenn, with
• Kari will host on behalf of MTRC with support as needed from members who attended tonight’s
• Kari will contact Christine and Kelli to update them on our meeting ideas.
• Kari will organize a Zoom meeting to determine specifics with Lunch ‘n’ Learn committee.
• Iris and Linda will create a one-page distance riding summary that compares CTR with
• Natascha will be picking up donated door prizes from Greenhawk. She will also be
reaching out to Canvasback and Masterfeeds to see if they’d like to donate any items. - Ride Updates
• All four rides for 2025 have managers and vets. No concerns have been brought to the club
about any of the rides.
• Brenda has the Zoho registrations set up and ready. She can adjust any distances easily if
• Kari plans to introduce her MTRC Taster Ride for her ride at Belair at the end of May. - 2025 MTRC Pamphlet
• We will only print 50 copies of our pamphlet this year to reduce waste and save money as in the
past few years, we’ve not used them all. We can order more if needed.
• Kari will update and order the 2025 pamphlets in time for the Lunch ‘n’ Learn event. - Ride Award Ribbons
• Linda described storage concerns with the ribbons are her house and how the boxes are
insufficient to protect them from damage. She also indicated the club will need to order a few
more for the new ride season, but otherwise, we have a lot of many other distances.
• The group agreed that we can store a season’s worth of ribbons in a small tote in the equipment
trailer to make it easy for each ride manager to access them.
• Linda asked for a Rubbermaid type of tub to store the ribbons. Tonight’s group voted on her
request and we agreed she could purchase a tote.
• Linda will do a final ribbon audit and inform Kari what the club needs so we can order them in
time for the first ride in May.
• Linda will buy a suitable tote for the ribbons and provide the receipt to the club for
reimbursement. - NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, March 25 at 6:30 pm on Zoom
- ADJOURNMENT: 7:27 pm. Motioned by Angela and seconded by Terry.
Minutes recorded by Kari.