April 2022

Manitoba Trail Riding Club

Meeting Minutes

Date:  April 22, 2022

Location: Terry’s Home

Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m.

Attendance: Kari Hasselriis, Terry McKee, Brenda Tolpa, Iris Oleksuk, Linda Gillies, Angela Roberts, Darice Whyte

Mary Anne sent regrets and forwarded the Treasurer’s Report

Approval of previous Minutes: Moved by, Angela, seconded by Linda G.

Additions to agenda – None

Treasurer’s Report:

GIC’s – $2,208.75

Chequing – $2,899.25

Membership:  12 single, 4 family for a total of 20    

Derksen Donation Derksen’s donated $500 to the club.  After discussion, it was decided to give up to $100 to each ride manager of the four rides being held this year.  Ride managers may use this money however they chose to enhance their ride e.g. (food and coffee for the vet and volunteers, prizes, loot bags for riders, etc.).  Ride managers may want to go to Greenhawk or Master Feeds for some of these items to see if they can get a discount. The leftover money will be used for yearend awards.Ride Managers              
Club PromotionMembers will get prices on windbreakers with the club logo and present them at the next meeting.Kari Linda Other members
Ride UpdatesEverything is set for Belair except for the permit.  There is an issue with the online portal.  Kari has been in contact with Chris regarding the permit issues. She has reapplied as per Chris’s instructions so hopefully, the permit will arrive shortly. Kari will promote the ride in the next few weeks once the weather has improved. Brenda will post the registration for the ride two weeks prior to the event.Kari         Kari   Brenda
Biffies for Grosse Isle and BHPLinda will contact Carrie to get information regarding booking biffies from King’s for The Gross Isle (June 18) and BHP (Aug. 27) ride.Linda
MHC AGM ReportIris gave a report on the MHC AGM held on Zoom.  Committee Reports were given, followed by information that Kelly R. will return to manage the equestrian facility at BHP.  Issues with Equine Canada are being mediated by Dianne.  There are concerns about the damage ATV’s are causing at Sandilands.  There is a chance the 2030 PanAm Games may be held in Winnipeg.  Check out the MHC website for Special Events and sponsorship options e.g. Elders’s, Master Feeds.  Linda Hazelwood will be retiring.  1400 MHC memberships have lapsedIris
Next MeetingThe next meeting will be held Thursday, June 2 at Iris’s home at 6:30 p.m. 

Motion to adjourn:  moved by Brenda, seconded by Kari

Meeting adjourned: Time: 7:29 p.m.