AGM 2021

Manitoba Trail Riding Club 

AGM Meeting Minutes

Date:  November 5, 2021

Location: Smitty’s in Selkirk

Meeting called to order at 10:06 a.m.

Attendance:   Kari Hasselriis, Terry McKee, Brenda Tolpa, Mary Anne Kirk, Iris Oleksuk, Linda Gillies, Angela Roberts, Linda Cruden, Tammie Storie, Christine Steendam, Carrie Schellenberg Wilson

Approval of 2020 AGM Minutes: Motion to accept Iris, seconded by Angela – carried

Additions to agenda:  Grey Cup Ticket Fundraiser,                                                       Motion to accept Kari, seconded Terry – carried

Treasurer’s Report – Mary Anne Kirk                                                                              GIC’s – $2,208.75, Chequing – $1,830.83

            Membership:  22 single, 4 family for a total of 30

Receipt submissions: 

  • Receipts for year-end awards – $442.01 (Terry)                                                                                          
  • Mileage plaques, pins and badges – $130.80 (Kari)                                                                         
  • Permit for Grey Cup Raffle – $90.00 (Iris)                                                                                         
  • Printing of Grey Cup Raffle Tickets – $150.00 (submission of receipt pending – Iris)                                                                     

*Detailed Financial Statement included in Appendices

Board Member Reports:                                                                 

The Board Member Reports were emailed to club members prior to the meeting.  The detailed reports are included as appendices.

Nomination and Election of Officers:

Kari H, Brenda and Terry will continue the second year of their term.  Carrie Schellenberg Wilson acted as chairperson for the election of officers.

NominatedNominator2nd NominatorAccepted
Mary Anne KirkTerryLinda C.Yes
Linda GilliesAngelaIrisYes
Linda CrudenIrisAngelaNo

New MTRC Board for 2022:

  • President, Kari Hasselriis  
  • Vice President, Brenda Tolpa  
  • Secretary, Terry McKee
  • Treasurer, Mary Anne Kirk
  • Member at Large, Linda Gillies
  • Webmaster: Angela Roberts
  • MHC Rep: Iris Oleksuk
       Ride Season Awards PresentationAwards were presented to winners present at the AGM.  A list of award winners and their awards is included in the Appendices. Winners not present will have their awards delivered.          Terry  
 Trot CircleThe use of a Trot Circle/Serpentine was discussed as a tool to improve the assessment of soundness.  It was discussed that the vet includes this assessment in the “Lameness” portion of the ride scorecard.  After discussion, it was agreed that MTRC will introduce the use of serpentines for Lameness assessment during all vet checks.  The horse will be required to trot away from the vet in a straight line (125 feet) and then trot a serpentine figure returning to the vet.            
 Coggins 2022There was discussion regarding the club requirement of Coggins tests as being a proactive step rather than waiting until there is a positive case and then reacting.  Rob Anderson was suggested as a good resource for educating horse owners re: fly control and the science behind the need for Coggins testing.  DRM is making a motion to require Coggins tests for 2022 which are valid from April until August 15 or until the end of the tabanid fly season. Coggins clinics were held in 2018 and 2019 where horse owners had the opportunity to meet in one location to have their Coggins test done in order to reduce the cost of the testing.  MHC was suggested as the organization to run this kind of clinic as they have the ideal venue at Birds Hill Park and they serve the entire horse community.   Motion: MTRC will require a valid Coggins test from April to August 15 or the end of the Tabanid fly season. Moved by Kari, seconded by Brenda.  Motion carried   Kari volunteered to coordinate a Coggins Clinic to help reduce the cost of testing for MTRC riders.  Tammy volunteered to help.                                        Kari Tammy
 Review of “Off Trail”   RuleA member expressed concern regarding disqualification for going off-trail.  After discussion, it was decided that the club needs to clarify the term “disqualified”.  At the present time, if a member goes off course and does not return to the point where they went off course to complete their ride, they get no mileage.  It was suggested that mileage could be granted if the full mileage was completed (verified by GPS) but no points or standing should be granted for that ride. It was agreed that a Rules Committee will be formed to review and clarify the definition of “disqualification” as well as the “off-trail” rule. Kari will invite members to volunteer for the Rules Committee on Facebook.  This committee will come up with a rule proposal early in the new year.                          Kari
Grey Cup TicketsIris has ordered the Grey Cup Tickets and will hand them out to club members early next week.  The total cost for the tickets and prizes is $615.  If we sell all of the tickets the club can clear approximately $1200. Iris asks that people scratch the tickets that they sell so that she doesn’t have to do that.Iris
Ride Dates and Assignments for  2022May 28, Belair, RM: Kari Hasselriis, TM:Iris Oleksuk
Jun 18, Grosse Isle, RM/TM: Linda Gillies
Aug 27, Birds Hill Park, RM: Linda Cruden TM:
Christine Steendam
Sep 17, Sandilands, RM: Linda Gillies, TM: Iris Oleksuk
Next MeetingThe next MTRC meeting will be January 13 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom   

Motion to adjourn:  Moved by Kari, seconded by Terry, carried.

Meeting adjourned: 11.55 a.m.



Treasurer’s Report – Mary Anne Kirk

President’s Report – Kari Hasselriis

I’ve had a lot of good times in my first year as the president of MTRC. I met new people, worked with fantastic volunteers, and felt fully supported by my board, our members and my mentors.


We had to cancel our first ride at Belair, which I was scheduled to manage. We also had to cancel Birds Hill Park in June. Both cancellations were due to Covid. In July, Linda Gillies hosted a ride in Grosse Isle. It was a small but mighty group who attended, and we thank Linda for managing that ride. We also had a successful Spruce Woods ride in August that was co-managed by Iris Oleksuk and Angela Roberts. Thank you to them for that big job. And finally, in September, we had our final ride of 2021 at Birds Hill Park, which I managed, but I had a lot of help from DRM, who were sharing a weekend of rides with us.

Relationships and fundraising

Here are a few things that happened with our club this year:

  • We held a successful raffle through LGCA.
  • We got permission to move our BHP ride camp from East Gate to the Folk Fest site.
  • We establish a positive relationship with the Manitoba Mountain Biking Association.
  • We got a new pen at Spruce Woods, thanks to some great grant writing and fundraising.


MTRC is a volunteer organization, and we could not achieve our goals without the support of our volunteers. I thank my 2021 board – Mary Anne, Brenda, Terry, and Carla – for their hard work and patience. Again a thank you to the people who accept the ride manager position – Angela, Iris, and Linda G. No ride managers equal no rides, so we’re grateful to you.

I also need to thank our other ride volunteers: Linda C., Brenda, Mary, Carole, Mary Anne, Rhonda, Susan. We also thank DRM for helping us with the Birds Hill ride.

Next year

We’ve already got a few things on the go for our new year to grow MTRC, including the goal of offering 4-5 rides. Iris has already got a fundraiser going, which will benefit us in 2022. We anticipate holding a mini-ride clinic to entice more people to join us in the spring. We’ll be reviewing and updating our ride manager manual and creating board and ride day  duty position descriptions. We also plan to introduce a new by-law about manual updates and determine if any by-laws need updating. Finally, we plan to finally create that PSA video with the mountain biking group to ensure we all stay safe on the trails.

Vice President’s Report – Brenda Tolpa

2021 was another challenging year but finished up with positive rides.  We had a new fundraiser this year with strong results.  The prizes for the fund raiser were easy to sell tickets for as they were of interest to anyone, not only riders.  Our new president is presenting new ideas to the club to help us grow. 

We had planned for 4-5 rides, but with restrictions that changed to 3. We had rides dealing with hot and humid conditions.  A ride in the beautiful Spruce Woods Park, had to watch for the wasp nests as our Ride Manager had an unfortunate encounter with a wasp nest.  Finished up with a ride at Birds Hill Park staging in the Folk Fest Grounds, which was liked by everyone.

This year I volunteered at rides as my horses and myself were not conditioned for the season.  I enjoyed being a post for riders at Spruce Woods.  I also volunteered at the Birds Hill Ride, again helping riders as a post, taking pictures, making sure our volunteers and vet were fed.  It’s nice sometimes to volunteer and help out the riders and everyone involved.  You always get an opportunity to visit and get to know more about people.

Thank you to our volunteers that make the rides possible, and everyone involved in the club.  2022 will bring new ride goals and opportunities for everyone.

Secretary’s Report – Terry Mckee

It seems that MTRC is getting to be an old pro at running rides during a pandemic!  I’d like to extend a huge thank you to all of the volunteers, vets and riders who help make these rides possible and so successful.  As secretary, I attended all MTRC meetings and took the minutes.  Thank you to the executive for their assistance in proof reading the minutes and to Angela for posting the minutes.

I delivered the 2020 mileage awards and year end awards and also helped sell raffle tickets.  I rode in all three MTRC rides and helped mark and demark trails at the Birds Hill Ride.  I worked with Linda Gillies on the 2021 Awards Committee.  Prizes have been purchased and will be presented at the AGM.


2021 MTRC Prize Winners

Junior Training Champion      Erin Garn & Ginger, Pink and Black Helmet cover

Junior Training Reserve          Kalli Nagtegaal and A & B Tiny Bell, Pink Fleece helmet cover

Junior Novice Champion        Ethan Garn & AK Ziyeed, Black Fleece helmet cover

Junior Novice Reserve              Elsie Garn & Ginger Green Fleece helmet cover

Training Champion                 Christine Steendam & Rainier, Black Cooler

Training Reserve                     Linda Gillies and Dr. Pepper, Saddle stand and Blue Plaid Fleece helmet cover

Novice Champion                   Kari Hasselriis & Lad, Leather halter and nameplate and $40 gift card                               

Novice Reserve                       Iris Oleksuk and Evee, Hay bag and Red Plaid Fleece helmet cover

Pins and Patches