February 2022

Manitoba Trail Riding Club

Meeting Minutes

Date:  February 24, 2022

Location: Zoom

Meeting called to order at 6:33 p.m.

Attendance:     Kari Hasselriis, Terry McKee, Brenda Tolpa, Iris OleksukLinda Gillies, Angela Roberts, Diane David (MHC)

Mary Anne sent regrets and forwarded the Treasurer’s Report                                           

Approval of previous Minutes: Moved by, Angela, seconded by Linda G.

Additions to agenda:  Fundraiser idea report from Linda Cruden.

Treasurer’s Report:

GIC’s – $2,208.75, Chequing – $2,349.25

Membership:  10 single, 4 family for a total of 18 $13.44 receipt from Kari for plaque plates which Kari will give to Mary Anne at a time when she can see her in person and get cash payment.

1.Coggins Clinic UpdateKari contacted Elders and Central Veterinary Clinics re participating in a Coggins Clinic.  Central forwarded Kari’s email to their marketing department but there was no further response.  Kari contacted Neil Versavel who indicated he would be interested in participating and they have been emailing back and forth to work out the details.  To date, he has indicated that he would be willing to come to Birds Hill Park for four hours.  He would charge $70 per horse based on a minimum of 15 horses.  He suggested that having the owner’s information ahead of time would speed up the process. Kari will contact Neil to see if there is a form to collect the owner info re requires.  MTRC would gather this information ahead of time as part of a pre-registration process.  Riders would book their horses for a block of time e.g. between 1 and 2 o’clock. Kari will check with Neil to see if Sunday, April 24 from 10 to 2 at the MHC grounds (BHP) works for him.  She will confirm that he doesn’t need a stall.   She will ask if he would be interested in giving spring shots at this time if the owners requested them. Diane will check with the park to see if they would be willing to clear the road to the barns if there is still snow at that time.  If they aren’t able to clear snow, Diane will come up with a Plan B location.  This clinic will be open to everyone. MHC is willing to help with marketing.  Kari will get back to Diane next week with finalized details to be shared by MHC. Brenda will post the clinic on Prairie Horses and elsewhere on FB                        Kari         Kari         Diane         Kari Diane   Brenda
2. Updated Rule for “Off-trail”Kari, Tauni & Rusty Jensen and Evelyn Allen met to work on updating the rules for going off-trail. The changes were presented and discussed at the meeting.  Some revisions were made to the Off-Trail rule.  Kari will send the updated rule to the board for approval and then will insert the changes in the updated manual.  Kari          
3. Sponsorship and Donor LettersLisa Kizlik contacted Kari and Brenda to suggest MTRC contact her company for sponsorship.  Kari has done this. Sponsorship request letters were also sent to Greenhawk and Hammer Nutrition, who will sponsor the Belair ride. Kari will contact Janet at Greenhawk to suggest that items are appropriate for distance riders to ensure maximum usage. Iris sent information offering sponsorship from Horse Canada Magazine to Kari.  In the past, they have provided magazines as prizes. Kari has a template for a letter requesting ride sponsors if anyone is interested in finding a ride sponsor.   
4. Rule Book Update for New Trot Out RuleKari will update the new trot-out rule and run it by members at the next meeting.  Upon approval, it will be added to the rule book.Kari
5. ZohoBrenda will type up the procedures for how to complete the ZOHO registration forms in the next few months.  Additional training will be necessary when someone new takes over the ZOHO registration.Brenda
6. Quarterly Tasks Document ReviewKari presented a quarterly review document that outlined the various tasks that need to be completed by MTRC throughout the year.  After discussion, a couple of changes were made. This document will be very helpful for new board members. Kari will also (in her copious spare time) create a list of resources for prizes and plaques for future referenceKari         Kari
7. Volunteer OrientationVarious options for volunteer and rider orientation were discussed.  It was decided to table this item.  We will have an “in-person” meeting in March in the hopes that more members will attend and we can continue this discussion.       
8. Membership DriveKari will post a Membership reminder.  Various options for increasing membership and encouraging past members to renew membership early were discussed e.g. sign up by a certain date and have your name entered in a draw for a prize; sign up a new member and have your name put in a draw for a prize. Further discussion is tabled for the next meeting.  
9. FundraisingLinda Cruden followed up on the idea of an online raffle and reported her findings to Angela who shared them at the meeting – too expensive and not worth the time and effort. If anyone is interested in running a raffle as a fundraiser Kari will help them write the application so they can run the raffle. Kari will add Grey Cup tickets as an agenda item for our next meeting.      Kari     Kari
9. Next MeetingThe next MTRC meeting will be Thursday, March 24 at 6:30 at Terry McKee’s (923037 Hazelridge Road, Sunnyside). If you’d like to bring a snack or appy that would be great.  

Motion to adjourn: 

Meeting adjourned: Time: 8:06 p.m.