August 2024

Manitoba Trail Riding Club

Meeting Minutes

Date: August 8, 2024

Location: Zoom

Meeting called to order at: 6:30 p.m.

Attendance: Kari Hasselriis, Angela Roberts, Ashley Fudge, Emma Klos, Brenda Tolpa, Terry McKee

Regrets: Mary Anne Kirk

Approval of previous minutes: Moved by Terry, Seconded by Brenda

Additions to agenda: None

Treasurer’s report:

GIC: $2,227.54

Chequing: $3,455.86

5 family/30 single for total of 40

BHP Ride ReviewWeather cooperated it was a success. The only mishap was with the score cards. Pluses and minuses were given when it just needed to be the letter.Score cards will be fixed and adjusted properly.
QuadFinal paperwork to be done by Kari and Mary Anne. Kari has bought a hitch for the quad and Iris is giving the quad manual to Terry. Helmets are a bit small and we need a first aid kit.Emma will look into handle bar extensions. Brenda will put together a first aid kit, and we will purchase bigger helmets. Quad safety manual and info sheet are also in process.
Spruce WoodsRide registrations will close Sunday. Do not have tabulator yet.Paperwork needs to be done and permit needs to be printed.
Grosse IsleRide will be hosted on sept 21st. 10, 15, 25, and 40 mile distances will be offered. 
Trail Finding ContestMTRC is planning to host some sort of contest with our members. The goal is to encourage people to ride in parks and scout out potential new trails in Belair, Spruce woods, etc. We are looking for new 5/10 mile loops to ride to shake up the normal routes we take.Maybe as an incentive give prizes to those who find trails.
Board Positions/Year end awardsPresident, Vice president, and Secretary board positions are all over at the end of 2024. A year end award comity needs to be formed.Board members will discuss who takes over these roles at the annual year meeting. Iris, Terry, and Linda will be the awards comity. Prizes need to be donated or bought and proposed budget is $550. 

Motion to adjourn: Moved by Emma, seconded by Kari. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Next meeting: In person sept 17th at 6:30 p.m.