Manitoba Trail Riding Club
Annual General Meeting Minutes
November 16th, 2024
Location: Peppercorn Restaurant in Oakbank
Meeting called to order: 4 P.M.
Attendance: Kari Hasselriis, Linda Cruden, Iris Oleksuk, Linda Gillies, Brenda Tolpa, Terry McKee, Angela Roberts, Mary Anne Kirk, Erin Tyminski Goch, Christine Steendam, Natascha Klan, Emma Klos, Dianne Borger, Emil Kucera, Janine Thompson, Brenda McQueen
Regrets: Ashley Fudge
Approval of previous minutes: Moved by Linda C., seconded by Christine
Approval of 2023 AGM minutes: Moved by Terry, seconded by Emma
Additions to agenda (time permitting): Coggins, future horsemanship clinic
Treasurer’s report:
GIC: $ 2, 277.66
Chequing: $ 2, 819.03
Membership: 5 Family, 30 single, for a total of 40
Item: | Discussion: | Action: |
Board member reports | Every member on the board submitted a report summarizing their year on council. Members were emailed the reports to review. | None |
Nominations and elections | Nominations were run by Linda Cruden. Kari and Angie nominated Brenda T. and she agreed. Erin and Kari nominated Christine, and she said no. Brenda and Angela nominated Kari, and she said yes. Christine and Linda G nominated Erin, and she said yes. Kari and Angela nominated Brenda M, but she said no. Linda C and Terry nominated Iris, but she said no. Angela and Emma nominated Natascha; she said no. Motion to cease made by Kari and seconded by Linda C. | For 2025, Kari Hasselriis will be president and Brenda Tolpa will be vice president. Ashley Fudge will continue as member at large and Erin Tyminski Goch is the new secretary. Mary Anne Kirk remains the treasurer. |
Appointment of MHC rep and equipment trailer rep | MTRC will need a representative for MHC and for the equipment trailer. The MHC rep will have to attend two board meetings via Zoom in the new year. | For 2025, Emma will be the MHC rep and Kari is the trailer rep, working with Tricia Mason, who is the DRM trailer rep. |
2025 ride locations and managers | May 11th at Belair with Ashley as the RM.May 24th at Belair with Kari as the RM.Aug 9th at Birds Hill Park with Darice as the RM. Sept 27th at Spruce Woods with Dianne as the RM. | If anyone anticipates wanting to maybe put on a ride, they should inform a board member so we can pair up any license applications and save time and money. |
2024 Grey cup raffle update | We have sold out of our Grey Cup tickets for 2024. Iris has collected money from all the members who sold tickets and a profit of about $1,250 is expected for the club. | It’s likely MTRC will continue to sell Grey Cup tickets next year. |
Increase in honorariums-vets and volunteers | A motion was raised by Kari and seconded by Iris to talk about raising prices for the 2025 season. The discussion included potentially raising food allowance, honorariums, and ride fees. Memberships fees will stay the same price but ride fees will increase. | Honorariums will not be raised as we have heard no negative feedback from vets and volunteers about the prices. However, ride fees will increase by an additional $5 per division for 2025 with the exception for the junior fee, which remains unchanged. |
Plain language update to by-laws | Some members have mentioned frustration in deciphering the rules and regulations. The rules are written in legalese and interpreting them is tedious and not benefiting the club. | Kari will do a plain language edit to the by-laws in 2025 and Emil will assist with feedback. |
2024 awards | Awards were bought and presented by the award committee of Terry and Linda G. | JR training champ- Elsie Garn Training reserve champ- Brenda McQueen Training champ- Natascha Klan Novice reserve-Dianne Borger Novice champ-Kari Hasselriis Open reserve- Dianne Borger Open Champ-Iris Oleksuk |
Next meeting date: February 20th on Zoom at 6:30 P.M.
Meeting adjourned at: Motioned by Emma seconded by Angela at 5:15 P.M.