February 2017

Manitoba Trail Riding Club

Meeting Minutes
February 21, 2017
Location: Peppercorns restaurant, Oakbank, Manitoba

Meeting called to order at 6:50 pm


Troi Stahl, Bea Rivard, Sue Jensen, Daiz Jensen, Carla Melquist, Iris Oleksuk, Angela Roberts, Hailie Emms, Natalie Nordin, Tammy Storie, Shannon Yaskiw, Brenda Tolpa, Emil Kucera, Mary Anne Kirk, Linda Cruden and Janine Thomson

Approval of the agenda:

 Emil Kucera has addition to the agenda regarding archive of some items from the MTRC website.  Accepted by Linda Cruden and Janine Thomson

Minutes from the January 7, 2017 meeting were accepted as is and waived any reading of them. Accepted by Emil Kucera and Linda Cruden.

Treasurer’s Report:

Membership – 11 Single, 1 Family for total of 13

Chequing $4661.56   GIC $2156.49

Business arising from the January 7, 2017 meeting: 

Score card, bylaws and rules.  Angela Roberts has no meeting to date.  Iris Oleksuk has volunteered to set up meeting and send email to committee members and have everything resolved by next meeting.  Also added to rules discussion will be the use of horse boots (footwear) being allowed in competition.

Permanent ½ mile, 2 mile, 5 mile and 10 mile markers are completed and distributed to first ride manager for the 2017 ride season.

MHC grant.  Tammy Storie is still working on the grant and should have more information at the next meeting.

Clinic for April 2017.  There is a meeting set up on February 28 for the clinic at Brenda Tolpa’s to do a dry run of the presentation.  The clinic will be and information session in the am and then break for 2 hour lunch so participants can pick up their horses for the afternoon mock 5 mile ride.  Birds Hill Park Ranch arena is booked and Brenda Tolpa to arrange for permit.

New Business

Bud Spud and Bird.  Camille Sochaski has kept track of the statistics for the bud spud fundraisers and reported that the January 21, 2017 Bud Spud had the highest ticket sales since 2013.  251 Silent Auction tickets sold, 132 50/50 tickets sold and 107 Dinner Tickets Sold. The total amount raised after expenses was $2001.15.

Emil Kucera has archived older website photos and some information onto a flash drive however no one had a lap top to be able to add on to their flash drives.  He will hold onto until next meeting.

Natalie Nordin reported that as of today the Pembina Valley Ride is still a go but potential for flooding is still a possibility.  Website will be updated with any new information if anything with this ride should change. 

Manitoba Horse Council has sent and email out stating that bingo funding will no longer be offered due to funding cuts.  Linda Cruden stated that as of the last Manitoba Horse Council meeting it was unofficially stated that 2017 may still offer Bingos.  No indication if MTRC will be allotted any bingos for 2017.

Souris Ride.  Iris Oleksuk stated that Shannon Mackenzie has a ride on the same day as the scheduled MTRC ride September 9, 2017 in Souris.  Iris has said that she has sent an email to Shannon Mackenzie to see if it would present any problems to either party and will advise outcome at the next meeting.

Tammy Storie will be purchase new storage bins as they old ones are deteriorating.


$650.00 for MHC club insurance.  Cheque paid to Mary Anne Kirk as she had paid for it

$165.89 Website, paid to Emil Kucera.

Next meeting:  Tuesday April 11, 2017 at Gaffers Restaurant in Lockport. (Tentative until Tammy Storie can confirm location).

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Tammy Storie and Janine Thomson at 7:30pm.