August 2019

Manitoba Trail Riding Club

Meeting Minutes

August 27, 2019

Location:  Smitty’s, Selkirk, MB

Meeting called to order at 6:18 p.m.

Attendance:  Iris Oleksuk, Angela Roberts, Terry McKee, Susan Heald, Mary Anne Kirk, Judy Olson, Kelli Hayhurst, Natalie Nordin, Janine Thomson, Brenda Tolpa, Carla Melquist, and Lisa Kizlik.

Addition to the Agenda: Photo Album and MHC Grant.

Meeting minutes accepted as read by Kelli, seconded by Terry, carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  

$2,189.00 GIC, $4,493.51 Chequing. 

Membership: 38 single, 8 family = 54 total

From Belair Ride $710 from entries and two memberships.


$46.56 to Iris for paint and clipboards

$22.43 to Kelli for supplies

$28.25 to Tammy for jackets

Motion to accept, Kelli and seconded by Natalie, carried.

Deferred Business
Ride Manager’s HandbookSusan Heald has revised and sent to Iris.  Iris has reviewed and will send to Angela for further editing. Payment Summary Form to be added to Ride Manager’s Package.  
Areas that also need to be discussed/included: communication, mentorship and planning.
Deferred, ongoing.
Ride UpdatesMEC – Natalie Nordin has agreed to be the Day Manager for MTRC on Sunday, 22 September. Iris has sent out the Prize List (AKA registration) by email to the membership.  Schedule of Events, fees and timings are attached to prize list. Volunteers are coordinated for the event including trail demarking. Demarkers are Terry, Carla, and Lisa.  Iris and Angela will purchase goody bag supplies.
Spruce Woods – trails have been selected and cleared.  Angela proposed a budget of $428 for food and goody bags.  Kelli motioned to accept the request, seconded by Natalie. Some prizes have been donated and hotdogs will be purchased for the Saturday night campfire.  Everything is coming together.
Volunteer ChairDeferred.  Ride Managers have their volunteers organized for the remaining rides.
Inventory UpdateMTRC has been requested to purchase spray paint, pylons, clipboards, and orange striped ribbon to put with yellow in the event of another trail being marked, aside from the two regular loops.
Iris put a call out for pails to hold down the canopy.  Carla has responded that she may be able to get pylons and pails through her supplier.
Iris has purchased the spray paint and clipboards.  Angela and Iris will purchase the ribbon.
Iris AngelaCarla
Proof of CogginsThe MHC rule for valid coggins has been changed to within the last year instead of six months.  Kelli made a motion to extend MEC ruling of one year to Spruce Woods ride, to be discussed for next season at the AGM in November.  Janine seconded.Ride Mgrs
Belair RideGreat volunteers, great event.  Trails were longer than advertised but everyone seemed to hand it well.
Manure was not cleaned up.  As a permit holder, MTRC is required to clean up the staging area.  This was noted in the ride package.
Should add the need for a manure fork to the ride posters and the welcome package under things to bring to a ride.
Ride Mgrs
Bag FundraiserCarrie has the bags and will hopefully bring them to the MEC event.Ride Mgrs
MHC 50/50 TicketsContact Iris if you’d like to sell these tickets.  They are to raise funds to purchase a utility vehicle for MHC facilities.  MTRC has not sold any tickets to-date. Draw will be held on 22 September and the prizes are based on percentage of amount of tickets sold.Iris
Breed AwardsTerry and Angela will review entries and standings and make a decision to be discussed at the next meeting.TerryAngela
New Business
MEC update from MHCDiscussed under ride review – MEC.
Rookie of the Year clarificationHighest points per person/horse, junior or senior, minimum of three rides in their first season.  Must not have ridden with MTRC previously.
Awards and AGMAGM on 16 November at Smitty’s Selkirk, 9:00 am., followed by joint MTRC/DRM ride calendar meeting.  DRM AGM will be held at 1:00 pm immediately after the ride calendar meeting.
DRM would like to hold a joint Awards night.  Everyone at the meeting felt that this was a good idea.  Kelli and Janine will be the MTRC representatives to coordinate with DRM.  This could also be combined with a volunteer recognition event. Looking at end November.
Photo AlbumBrenda has completed up to MEC 2018.Brenda
MHC GrantsSusan has been researching and has determined that it is better for both MTRC and DRM to submit an application so as to get a bigger piece of the “Grant Pie” and has agreed to complete the application.  It needs to be decided on what we will be requesting. It was decided that we would request funding for putting a pump in at Belair. Information on the grant has not been sent out yet, MHC will send out.Susan

Next meeting: 8 October 2019 at Iris Oleksuk’s residence at 6 pm, this meeting will be a potluck.

Motion to adjourn made by Angela, seconded by Susan, carried.

Meeting adjourned: 8:07 p.m.